Friday, September 01, 2006

Poem: Lift Her High

She loves to board your passage
as long as you lift her high,
Soaring past the greatest peaks
where eagles dare not fly.
With your wandering hands
direct her towards your midsection.
As you slowly rise,
brandish your choice of protection.
Lift her with your strong arms
and buckle her tight.
Serve her with your “wet” juices
and “drive her nuts” through the night.
Carry her towards the horizon
until she reaches a blissful place.
Take her there and keep her tethered
with a steady quickening pace.
Loudly roar your engine,
ticket her with your brand.
Then caress her with your soft hum,
and guide her gently to land.
As she leaves content,
politely bid her goodbye,
Knowing in your heart that she will be back again,
as long as you lift her high.

By Sean R. E. Munnings
The Raga~Lover

Copyright © 2006 Sean R. Munnings, all rights reserved.


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