Poem: You are my dream
Your presence is as a powerful as a kiss in the wind,
as elusive as a drop of steam.
______________, I will pursue you
like Moses did in the Bible after the promise land
because you are my dream.
I would remain dead to the future
and the world of fantasy
if you were to shun me away.
Even if I were to relocate to a different country
I could not keep thoughts of rejection,
of you, at bay.
You make me glow from head to toe
with your invisible brush,
Every fiber of my undeserving being longs to feel
your heartrending touch.
The exasperating color of my love
is reflected in the warmth
of your ebony eyes.
Your reassuring words lift my spirit
to magnificent heights
where angels dare not fly.
I tremble like an ashen reed in the wind
every time I see your face.
At my international dining room table
you sit in the queen’s coveted place.
My virgin heart has quickly fallen beyond
the dreary depths of hell for you.
The solution to my restoration,
to my mystery of mixed emotions
resides in you, the only clue.
I willingly sacrifice my soul as wood
to be incinerated by your all consuming flame,
And I will cherish each moment we share
as long as I have breath,
because you are my dream.
By Sean Ruize Edmundo Munnings
The Raga~Lover
Copyright © 2006 Sean R. Munnings, all rights reserved.
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