Monday, November 20, 2006

Poem: Woman

My dear,
God introduced me to you,
and you unveiled to me a holy treasure.
An everlasting love
beyond the walls of pain and pleasure.
A sanctuary of joy
where my loins may find eternal rest.
A tabernacle
where I can sacrifice the skins of loneliness.
You are my fountain,
I quench my thirst from your heart-rending dew.
In your watery reflection the spirit of an angel
has revealed itself to me in you.
And I will drink forever,
bound by the covenant that God has set.
To see my nature rise in your eyes
and experience bliss in your sunset.
The bed is undefiled,
all I have is yours to take.
To wash in passions basin,
and purify in heaven’s wake.
Woman, God introduced me to you,
and you unveiled to me a holy treasure.
An everlasting love
beyond the walls of pain and pleasure.

By Sean Ruize Edmundo Munnings
The Raga~Lover

Copyright © 2006 Sean R. Munnings, all rights reserved.


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