Poem: One heartbeat from forever
don’t keep me yearning for fervent fire
if there is only smoke.
Cast the die of fate today
and let me know if my heart will be rich or broke.
I’m one heartbeat from forever,
but one split-second from mourning a living death.
I’m wishing for an eternal sunrise
of togetherness with you
but I'm wary of faded memories
destined to haunt me if our sun has to set.
I want to give you the entire universe,
but my tiny world is all have to share.
I don’t want to lose you my queen,
but it’s a heavy burden I am prepared to bear.
Time is like famished buzzards circling over my head;
my faith dwindles with each fleeting hour.
Will I be able to caress your petals for decades
or will a past yesterday
be the final time that I will smell
the sensuous aroma of your virtuous flower?
I can’t sleep soundly at night;
I can’t eat regularly during the day.
I’m fighting and facing tears without you
but my insecurity and pride
force me to keep you at bay.
I’m one heartbeat from forever,
but I'm wary of faded memories
destined to haunt me if our sun has to set.
Will I embrace salvation for a lifetime
or will I be grieving over a woman’s kiss
that I can never forget?
The blossoms of optimism grant me hope
but doubts weeds are causing this man
to gradually choke.
Darling let me go,
don’t keep me yearning for passionate fire
if there is only smoke.
By Sean Ruize Munnings
The Raga-Lover
Copyright © 2006 Sean R. Munnings, all rights reserved.
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