Thursday, November 23, 2006

Poem: Soulmate

Sometimes in life,
you wonder if you will ever find,
A soul mate, a person who is one of a kind.
A gift of God that the most high
has bestowed to only you.
The undying love of another,
fulfilling and true.
As you get older
loneliness and discouragement set in,
Compounded by years of study, work
and constant dating.
You long for a companion,
someone who will give you their all.
Someone, whom you would risk your life
to save from a fatal fall.
A friend more dear to your heart
than your father or mother;
A divine blessing
embodied in the face of another.
Your confidant,
who knows the workings of your shrewd mind.
A soul mate, that “significant other”,
who is one of a kind.

By Sean Ruize Munnings
The Raga~Lover

Copyright © 2006 Sean R. Munnings, all rights reserved.


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