Poem: Whole
my lady makes me whole.
I’m only an actor in her story,
one honored to play the role.
Finally this immature smoker of temporal women
has found a reason to quit.
This key has finally found a lock
that it can comfortably fit.
Someone who appreciates my faults,
enjoys the bliss of my silent company.
Who respects my fortitude
and cradles my emotions like a baby.
She is the myth of contentment
revealed to me in flesh and bone.
The melodious light that radiates the face
of this once restless and lonely moon.
Now that my eyes have witnessed “the beauty”
I yearn to make her smile.
My dreams paint visions of eternal commitment
and hopes of rings exchanged
at the end of a chapel aisle.
Like the sound of billowing waves kissing the shore,
her silky touch soothes my soul.
From my head’s humble crown to my feet’s weary sole;
my lady makes me whole.
By Sean Ruize Munnings
The Raga~Lover
Copyright © 2006 Sean R. Munnings, all rights reserved.
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