Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Poem: Why should I vote for you (Written in 2002 for election) - Nassau, Bahamas

Why should I vote for you,
why should I utilize my right?
There is no vibrant opposition;
there is no one strong enough to fight.
You proud peacocks
spouting fables from your pulpits of power;
Offering words of nostalgia and not dire solutions,
wasting another precious hour.
They say it is all about us,
but you keep forgetting the “we.”
When a leader threatens to break his promise
not to run for a third term,
he’s saying that it is all about me.
Ten years is sufficient time
to groom another prophetic flower;
Another “bigoty” peacock to grant promises
from his pulpit of power.
I may not have a choice,
the internal opposition is too weak,
lacks the pomp and jubilant speech.
You may once again charm (“sweet talk”) the public
and model the robe of five years you diligently seek.
Children across the breadth of this archipelago
dream of one day doing what “you do.”
But if you can’t be a man of your word,
why should I vote for you?

By Sean R. E. Munnings
The Raga~Lover

Copyright © 2007 Sean R. Munnings, all rights reserved.


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