Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Poem: Where is your pride?

Where is your pride?
Is it buried six feet under inside?
When did respect for home, community, and country
not apply to the place where you reside.
How can you say that because there was no garbage bin
that refuse should be dumped on the ground?
Yet you stare in disgust and idly gossip

about the trash that abounds.
Everyday garbage is tossed out of cars on to a street or highway;
forcing the government to hire workers to cart the debris away.
Your children and younger siblings watch what you do
knowing that it contradicts the words you say.
So they reenact your littering as they grow
and mock your words when they play.

P is for preservation of the reputation and integrity
of our native land.
R is for respect of home,

never to litter where you abide with your hand.
I is for the instruction of cleanliness to be imparted

to a future generation.
D is for diligence to godliness and reverence to the blessing

of an attractive nation.
E is for everyone to be able to enjoy the sand, sea

and natural island beauty.
Where is your pride Bahamians,
your adoration for your heritage; our native bride?
When did respect for home, community and country
not apply to the place where you reside.

By Sean R. E. Munnings
The Raga-Lover

Copyright © 2006 Sean R. Munnings, all rights reserved.


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