Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Poem: Blessing

He was a fool
to give away the best thing he ever had.
How a man could give up a blessing
like Esau of the Bible makes me “so” mad!
He won’t realize that he had a good thing;

the best of both worlds until after you are gone.
His penance will be a spring of sadness in his eyes

that will sporadically prick like an embedded thorn.
He sacrificed his eternal rose,

forsaked his bride of ecstasy.
But I will always be grateful to him

because he left you open to me.
I will treasure the blessing;

I will dedicate my life
to making you (my angel) smile.
I will bow down on one knee,

and later escort you down a chapel aisle.
I knew from the first day that I saw you

with loving eyes that I could be with you forever.
Bound by cords of love and respect

that the elements cannot sever.
He was a fool to leave you;

I was wise enough to be your fair-weather friend;
And I will treasure you (my blessing)

until my heartbeats end.

By Sean Ruize Munnings
The Raga~Lover

Copyright © 2006 Sean R. Munnings, all rights reserved.


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