Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Poem: Sandpaper - Nassau, Bahamas

Don’t let that man‘s blistering anger boil you down
until you fade away like water vapor.
Girl, leave him before it’s too late,
before you tear to shreds like worn sand paper.
His verbal vicious daggers stab at your heart
and then carve sluggishly at your mind.
You start to believe in his poisonous remarks
and your self worth (like your courage),
becomes harder for you to find.
The emotional stress

slowly chafes away at your character
and evilly scrapes away at your self esteem.
You keep thinking

that you are not worthy of his respect
and you wear all of the misplaced blame

in a mask of shame.
Your kids look at you with love and compassion
but you only see pity in their adoring eyes.
Yet you won’t abandon him
and it’s not because of the carnal craving
between your catering thighs.
You love this man who pummels you his words,
and drop kicks you with his spiteful jokes.
You support him as he degrades you
in front of family and friends,
declaring fires where there was never smoke.
You may not need the financial security
his money provides;
but you want to maintain the sham of a happy home.
You don’t want to walk the future’s freedom alone
even though his insults are whipping you
towards mental doom.
Girl, before you tear to shreds like worn sand paper;
leave him before it’s too late.
Don’t let the psychiatric ward, the hospital

or the morgue be your untimely fate.

By Sean R. E. Munnings
The Raga-Lover

Copyright © 2007 Sean R. Munnings, all rights reserved.


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