Poem: Monster - Nassau, Bahamas
you desired a trophy to escort by the arm.
You said that you needed to stay with me,
but secretly your finger
was always near the fire alarm.
You let me talk about marriage
and award names to kids
I hoped to share.
You let me plan a future for us
even though you knew
that you wouldn’t be there.
What type of man does that to a woman
that he claims to love
with all of his heart?
What type of monster
constructs another’s greatest dream
and then rips it apart?
You attended my family weddings
and holiday events,
smiled while fondly embracing me
in every picture we took.
We wrote chapters of intimacy
and destiny together
and then suddenly
you lit a raging fire to our book.
You stole my innocence
and poisoned my faith in God and man.
If you were a roach
I would spray you
until I emptied a new insecticide can.
Your mental picture is on my mind’s door
and every day I pierce it
with tens of darts.
You are a monster
who claims to secure a woman’s heart,
then later rips it apart.
By Sean Ruize Munnings
The Raga-Lover
Copyright © 2007 Sean R. Munnings, all rights reserved.
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