Monday, February 12, 2007

Michael Jackson Vs. MC Hammer - Undisputed Winner: MC HAMMER

The winner is MC Hammer. Hammer has too many dance moves and his style is often original. Michael Jackson has the best choreography in his performances which is also a testament to the great dancers that he has around him. The video compilation doesn’t do MC Hammer justice because it doesn’t contain clips from the music videos “This is the way we roll” or clips from the “Too Legit – Get Buck Master mix” which show Hammer doing a multitude of video labeled moves and also features him dancing with duplicates of himself that are unmatched in music videos. The King of Pop may have the edge in musical hits but when it comes to one on one dancing MC Hammer (the dancing machine) can’t be beat. The challenge was made to Michael Jackson in the “Too Legit” video and was proposed by James Brown (The Godfather of Soul) himself. Even then Michael Jackson knew to give both MC Hammer and James Brown the respect they deserved. MC Hammer wins!!!


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