Poem: In the palm of your hand
in the palm of your hand.
A happy puppet
eager to follow your every command.
A symphonic drum
that never misses an attentive beat;
To fill your thoughts
with it’s pulsating rhythm,
and make our lives complete.
Content to be yours,
and yours alone until the end of time.
Determined to serve a lifetime sentence,
“loving you” is the crime.
Ticking like a bomb,
a bomb that never wants to blow;
Destined to explode
like a pin-less grenade,
if you were to let me go.
Darling, my only desire
is to entertain you for all eternity
with my one man band.
Forever yours,
beating in the palm of your hand.
By Sean Ruize Munnings
The Raga~Lover
Copyright © 2006 Sean R. Munnings, all rights reserved.
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