X-men 3 was the BOMB!
I got a chance to watch X-men today. The group consisted of Eric, Duval, Patrice, Zandria, their girlfriend and myself. Dewitt and his wife Marcia also attended. Anyway about the movie:
It started off well with the introduction of Jean Grey, went slow and then was a roller coaster ride of action and special effects. Magneto was magnificent as the arch villain supreme. Jean Grey/Phoenix was amazing and was as powerful as her comic origins. Halle Berry finally had a major role in the film and her character Storm demonstrated almost all of her weather powers. Shadow Cat and Ice man were impressive. I did miss Nightcrawler. My favorite character Mystique was deadly as ever. Wolverine was well played as usual. It was definitely the best one as far as action. I think the story in the first two were better but a lot of my opinion is based upon seeing earlier sequels of the film. I will definitely purchase the collection when the film goes to DVD.
It was Patrices's B-day. Duval really enjoyed discussing comic book lore with ladies who actually knew the characters and their powers. It was a great time.
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